Friday, January 07, 2005

Ever had one of "those"........

Have you ever had one of those wierd, inexplainable feelings? I just feel nervous right now & really insecure for some reason. I am having a hard time thinking but I don't know how to put my finger on it. It was so sudden, but just now when I was reading Brian's blog, I felt really insecure.
Anyway, I am ok, just really cold! It is raining like madness right now & it is not going to stop anytime soon! They are saying that we can expect a monsoon this weekend! Needless to say, I don't want to walk to Tehillah on Sunday. Not having a car stinks, especially when it is 40 degrees & raining:( Hmmmm........ SADNESS!
I have SO much stuff to get done with the wedding that I am kind of overwhelmed, but I will have to go into my "kicktush" mode & just burn the midnight oil until I get all of this done! I wish I could get help, but everyone I know can't help me. Brian is gone & Leticia would help, but she just doesn't know how to answer questions yet. I know she will be invaluable when the wedding comes! She will so kick butt!
I am tired for some reason & I don't get it. I am getting plenty of sleep, but I'm still tired & I don't feel so good. I am popping vitamins so hopefully that will help. I bet it is just the weather:(
Well, I have a ton to do & I need to get organized so I don't work too much. I need to work on pacing myself because I have a bad habit of working until I drop. My dad would scold me so bad if he was here:)
Anywhoo, I have to go, but I will blog soon.
I love you Katie, Rachel, & all of the rest of you hometown kids! I miss you too!
I love you Brian!

Little Vel

Thursday, January 06, 2005

So yeah, God like totally ROCKS!

I don't know why, but it just hit me really hard that God rocks my face off!!!!
That is all I had to say........toodles:)

Little Vel

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

I am back in downtown LA!

Ok, so I am back in LA at the Dream Center & I am really lonely. It is really hard not having Brian there to talk to & to laugh with.
Oh yeah, for those of you who don't know what the Dream Center is, it is an inner city, christian mission, located in the heart of downtown LA. We bought the old Queen of Angels hospital & rennovated it to help rehabilitate drug addicts, prostitutes, alcoholics, & anyone else who needs help. We have a discipleship program where people from the streets or anyone for that matter, can come in & get help. They are in the program for one year & then they can choose to go through another program & be reintroduced into society.
I work in the Marketing/Fundraising department at the Dream Center & our main job is to keep the Dream Center running. We are the main means through which money comes in & is distributed to the over 150 different ministries here.
There is alot more to this ministry, but it would take a long time to write all of it. feel free to check out our website That will have more details about it & what we do.
So on to more personal stuff. I came back & was hit really hard by the fact that I will be alone for three months! I know this sounds silly, but I am so used to seeing Brian every single day & not seeing him for three months is extremely hard. I cannot wait to go to Houston! I pray that eveything works out ok for me to go with the housing & transpotation situations.
Brian worked at a network ministry at the Dream Center called, Action House. They are an amazing multi media & prodution ministry & we lived in the same building for our entire courtship. As you can probably guess, we saw eachother every day & I got very used to that.
I am excited to have this seperation though, because we made a vow not to kiss until our wedding day & it was getting VERY hard to keep that once we got engaged. The distance will help with the commitment & as Brian put it, when we finally do get to be together, we will miss eachother so much that we won't see daylight for awhile;)
Ok, enough of that, I need to get back to work, but I will write later!

little vel

Sunday, January 02, 2005

Ahhhh..the joys of tanning....

So I went & tanned today & this bed that I went in was really annoying. You had to stand with your arms in the air & my arms started falling asleep. I am really dark now & I cannot believe how quickly I am darkening. Usually I don't tan that quick but I always get pretty dark.
I know this is fascinating subject matter, but this is all I can think to write about right now. I will right more in a little while when my mind is off of the numbness in my arms.
I love my fiance! I miss him SO much!!! This is really hard being seperated........:(

Little Vel